Refund Policies

While marketing works require time and patience, several people change their mind in the process. If you are also one of those who just have a change of mind after hiring our services, we truly respect your decision. However, to keep the operation smooth and comfortable for both parties (our team and clients), we have a set of refund policies in two categories.

For Marketing & SEO Services

Search engine optimization, social media marketing, advertisement campaigns, and related time-consuming marketing operations are not a one-time project. They keep going all the time until we stop our efforts for a website or company. But your satisfaction and peace of mind is our top priority. That’s why our refund policies for such marketing and SEO services are quite flexible.

  • If you submit your cancellation request within the first 15 days of the month, we will stop working on your project and part ways with a good handshake.
  • If you submit your cancellation request after the first 15 days of the Contract, it will not be processable and you have to wait for the next Contract to request for cancellation.
  • If you submit your cancellation request after 15 days of the month and don’t want to wait for the next month, you can still cancel it on the spot. However, you must pay the fees for the remaining months of the contract’s tenure.

For Web Development Services

Developing a website is quite different from advertising it for a prominent front foot. So, we have a different set of refund policies if you don’t want any further work on your website and demand a refund. Remember, these policy rules are only eligible if you have made a deposit.

  • If you have made a deposit for your website and requested a refund after we have started working on your website, we cannot refund you the amount. In that case:
    • We will return your website in the incomplete status without removing any page. It will help you to continue the work rather than starting from the beginning.
    • You will not get any refund after the work has started.
    • Buying hosting and domain also comes under this scenario. It means you will be provided with your website’s login credentials with a refund.
  • If you have made a deposit for your website and requested a refund before we have started working on your website, you will receive a refund. In that case:
    • We will refund you 74% of your payment, after deducting 26% from the total.
    • 10% of these 26% will be the processing fees, while the remaining 16% will be the taxes.
    • Only buying hosting and domain without a website structure doesn’t come under this category.

Refund Request: Eligibility Criteria

To keep the operations smooth and by the book, you must be eligible to send a refund request for your project. Here is the eligibility criteria:

  • You must submit a project cancellation request to claim that you no longer need Pro Concept Marketing services.
  • You should have deposited the full amount for the website development services or renewed the contract for SEO or marketing services.
  • You have provided any reason to withdraw your project and cancellation of your order.